Wednesday, May 21, 2014

What I Ate Wednesday +workout review-Europe Week 3

Hello! Hello!

Hard to believe we have now been living in Amsterdam for three weeks! Time sure does fly. I am really enjoying cooking these days. I think because there isn't nearly as much convenience it puts my laziness at bay ;) If you check out my menu plan Monday post from earlier this week I showcased a few dinner's I cooked last week from The Fresh 20 Cookbook.

Banana pancakes topped with a coconut oil & peanut butter with greek yoghurt, blueberries & honey.

I called this concoction cheesy chicken bruschetta eggs

Detox banana split..heavenlly!

Amazing sandwich!

I know this looks kind of gross lol but it was amazing! Ultra clean meatballs from Blogilates 12 week new body makeover and a sweet potato with frozen spinach mixed in! Super tasty!

I've really been working hard these last two weeks to clean up my eating. I was way too lax on the desserts & even though my size has stayed the same luckily because I've packed on some extra fat my clothes aren't fitting quite the way I want lol So, just a few less desserts & really amping up the good foods..ya know the ones that actually fill me up! ;)


May 14-C25K Week 1, Day two Goodbye Stress Stretch
May 15-Since I didn't do a barre workout on the 14th I decided to do two today: Barre Workout for butt and thighs and Cardio barre
May 16-Woke up with very sore thighs & obliques after yesterday lol C25K Week 1, Day three (whoop whoop, finished that) and Floor barre
May 17th- Off, visited a friend in Haarlem (lots of walking)
May 18th- Nice yoga stretch +tons of walking
May 19th- C25K Week 2, Day 1 and stress release stretch
May 20th- P90x3 Yoga
May 21st-C25K Week 2, Day 2 & one full song workout

So I am totally loving the full song workouts I think I am going to add those to the end of each C25K day now. If you find them on buzzfeed they even have the sound cloud clip that goes with each workout!

Anyway, what was your favorite dish this week?


  1. Oooh that cheesy chicken bruschetta meal looks SO good! So many tasty add-ins! I love it!

    1. yeah it is really tasty...I love making stuff like this with cherry tomatoes so I can pop them once they get warm & all the juice squirts out and flavors everything!
